Sunday, May 17, 2009

A quiet Sunday in May

I was thinking about taking a drive or a walk today but decided instead to just hang out at home and clean up. The patio in back yard was really in need of a good cleaning and there is a lot of debris in the yard that needed to be gathered up. I am not a big fan of cleaning but I to enjoy having a clean house. There was a bunch of tree limbs and debris and I also trimmed up a couple of boxwood shrubs, I ended up with a truck load of trash that I took to the landfill. The landfill was unusually fragrant today and it was full of biting flies, it was not a pleasant trip. While sweeping up the patio I noticed how much dirt had accumulated; normally I just toss the dirt into the yard but today I thought it might be a good thing to put it to better use. Last January I had bought a pineapple which was excellent. The weather then was not good and I thought a little greenery might be nice so I planted the pineapple top. The top has been growing very nicely on my kitchen window sill and I have enjoyed it very much. Today I gave the pineapply a new home on the patio and used up the dirt that I swept up all at the same time. I hope the pineapple likes it's new home and now I need a nap. I hope everyone has a good week


  1. If you are patient enough this pineapple might bear fruits in the future. I found some article which says a pineapple bore fruits four years after planted in a pot. But the green is good.

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